Gummy Smile Solutions

Gummy Smile Solutions

If you look at photos of yourself and notice that your smile shows a little more gum than tooth, you may have what is known as a gummy smile. Excessive gum tissue is not a health concern, but it can detract from your pearly whites and obscure your smile. At Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, patients can correct an extra gummy smile with just a few simple treatment options. With a thorough evaluation, Dr. Broome can determine the exact cause of a patient's gummy smile and provide the best possible treatment plan for this and other facial plastic dental solutions. The most effective solutions for a gummy smile include: Read More

Treatments for a Gummy Smile

before after photo of a gummy smile procedure Veneers or Lumineers ā€“ In some cases, a smile may appear extra gummy if the teeth are simply too short in comparison to the gum tissue. By permanently attaching custom-made porcelain shells to the teeth, Dr. Broome can effectively lengthen the teeth while also giving them a brighter appearance. Laser Crown Lengthening ā€“ Some patients may need to have excess gum tissue removed in order to expose more teeth and create a fuller smile. Orthodontics ā€“ Braces or Invisalign may be used to reposition teeth in such a way that the smile appears less gummy. The custom aligners are typically only worn for 1-2 weeks at each stage of the Invisalign treatment for beautiful results in a shorter amount of time than traditional braces. Lip Repositioning ā€“ If more gum is exposed because the upper lip simply lifts too high, the lip can be repositioned to reveal only an aesthetically pleasing amount of gum tissue when smiling. This can be accomplished with Botox injections, which weaken the lip muscles, or through surgical repositioning or shortening of the muscles.

Contact Us for Gummy Smile Treatment in Charlotte

Contact Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry online to schedule an appointment and learn more about these potential solutions. To learn more about how to treat a gummy smile, visit Next, read about TMJ & Bruxism.