Root Canals

Root Canals

Endodontics is the dental term for root canal therapy. This advanced dentistry treatment available in Charlotte is recommended when the nerve inside the tooth has been damaged and must be removed and a filling material placed inside the tooth tooth to remove infection and prevent further bacteria invasion inside the tooth. A dental crown is typically placed over teeth that have received root canal therapy, which serves to protect and strengthen the tooth. Read More
Today, root canals are really just a more complex filling. Advanced anesthetics and sedation options help even the most fearful patient stay relaxed and remember little to nothing about the visit. The procedure to clean inside the tooth and place special filling material is an intricate and delicate procedure that requires excellent vision and tactile feel to provide the very best results. Typically, the treatment is fast and efficient. When performed in our office, it is very common for patients who need root canal therapy to have the procedure and receive an in-office CEREC all-ceramic crown in the very same appointment. This consolidates visits for our patients, resolves teeth pain, and protects them so no further damage can occur.

What to Expect After a Root Canal Procedure

root canal in Charlotte, NC Soreness similar to a bruise is very common after a root canal procedure. This sensation is typically managed with Ibuprofen or Aleve over-the counter medication and lasts only a day or so. Although the nerve has been removed from inside the tooth, there are still pressure and sensory fibers located around the teeth in the periodontal ligament space found between the teeth and bone. Many people are not aware that teeth actually are suspended inside the bone with thousands of ligament fibers that act as shock absorbers. This allows teeth to absorb an impact and remain flexible under tremendous load, These ligaments remain after root canal therapy and provide a protective function. For more information about the root canal procedure, visit At Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we understand patients want to avoid being sent to another office for treatment or having to wait weeks to get an appointment. If we can provide excellent service with excellent results and deliver it in an efficient manner, then weā€™re happy to take care of your treatment in our office. Our decision to treat or refer simply comes down to doing what is best for our patients' best interest.

Contact Root Canal Specialists in Charlotte Today

If a procedure such as a root canal is needed, we can deliver an outstanding experience for our patients. At our cosmetic dentist office in Charlotte, we also provide built-in personal back massage chairs, individually controlled satellite TV, and sedation options. With oral and intravenous sedation, our patients are able to ease back and relax for their procedure without the jittery nerves that often make dental visits stressful. We are more than happy to help to explain treatment options and outline the entire process for you. Contact Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry to learn more!