Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures available, an invisalign logo d with good reason. It is a wonderful alternative to traditional metal braces, which used to be the standard for aligning teeth. These braces, however, are clunky and visually unappealing, so many people donā€™t want to wear them even if it will help their teeth become straight. Invisalign is a nearly invisible treatment which will straighten your teeth without the hassle of metal braces.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an alternative to metal braces that uses clear plastic aligners to gradually straighten your teeth over time. These aligners are custom fit to you after a thorough fitting by your family or cosmetic dentist. Wear them for 20-22 hours every day, change them every two weeks, and before you know it youā€™ll have a beautiful, straight smile! The best thing about Invisalign is that the aligners are practically invisible, so no one will even be able to tell that you are straightening your teeth. There are no wires to tighten and no metal brackets to be attached; the process is much smoother than that of having metal braces put on. Invisalign is designed to gradually move your teeth into position throughout a series of two-week intervals, after which thereā€™s no long removal process. Invisalign is simple and effective!

What is it like to wear Invisalign?

At first, it may take some adjusting to get used to the aligners. Some people may speak with a slight lisp until they are comfortable with the feel of the aligners and adjust accordingly. Overall, Invisalign is a very comfortable treatment to wear. You shouldnā€™t eat while wearing your aligners; simply take them off for a short period then put them back on after you are finished. Most patients find Invisalign extremely easy to wear. You donā€™t have to worry about food getting caught in braces - simply take the aligners off while eating, then put them back on. Brushing and flossing is easy, as you donā€™t have to deal with flossing between braces. Sports are no problem either, as if you are involved in a high-contact sport, you can take the aligners out and replace them with a mouthguard if needed.

What can Invisalign treat?

Invisalign can treat many types of teeth deformities, from gapped to crowded teeth, overbite and underbite, open bite and crossbite. No matter what issue youā€™d like to resolve, chances are that Invisalign can help. Talk to your dentist to learn more about creating a custom Invisalign treatment plan to help you achieve your most beautiful smile!

Contact Dr. Broome About Invisalign

If you have issues with your teeth that you think can be resolved with Invisalign, give Dr. Broome at Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry a call atĀ 704.364.4711! Thereā€™s no need to live with a crooked smile or deal with unwieldy, unattractive braces any longer. Choose Invisalign for the easiest, most comfortable way to straighten your teeth. You can read more about Dr. Broome's Invisalign procedures here!