MI-Paste and MI-Paste Plus

MI-Paste and MI-Paste Plus

Many people have white spots on their teeth, often in the space between teeth or along the gum line. With a look similar to the frosting that does not brush off, these white spots are the result of acid damage and are the beginning stage of tooth decay. Here at Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer an advanced dentistry serviceĀ called MI-Paste to non-invasively help reverse the effects of acid damage! Read More

What is MI-Paste?

MI Paste-Cosmetic Dentistry Patient in Charlotte, NC MI-Paste is a topical treatment that requires no drilling or other invasive procedure. It releases calcium and phosphate into the tooth, thus strengthening the enamel and filling the pores, reversing the process of acid damage and tooth decay. MI-Paste is more comprehensive than simply using an extra-strength fluoride treatment. While fluoride can help strengthen enamel, it canā€™t go the extra step and reverse existing damage. MI-Paste is also good for desensitizing overly sensitive teeth. It can desensitize teeth before and after cleanings, as well as after teeth whitening treatments. MI-Paste Plus uses the same formula as MI-Paste, but with the addition of fluoride. Talk to Dr. BroomeĀ to find out if MI-Paste may be a good option for you!   Learn more about tooth decay treatment at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Benefits of MI-Paste

One of the greatest benefits of MI-Paste is that it is completely noninvasive. Itā€™s a great way to stop acid damage in its tracks so that you will not need invasive drilling at a later date to fix tooth decay that has progressed to a more advanced state. With a combination of MI-Paste and regular flossing, patients can ensure that their teeth will be the healthiest they can be, as well as save themselves time and money! MI-Paste is very easy to apply and can be done either at home or by your family or a cosmetic dentist in Charlotte. At home, simply take a pea-sized amount on a cotton swab or gloved finger and apply to the surface of the teeth. Your dentist may apply MI-Paste either through use of a tray or polishing brush. MI-Paste comes in a variety of flavors, so it will not be unpleasant to apply.

Contact a Cosmetic Dentist in Charlotte Today!

If youā€™re interested in removing unsightly white spots from your teeth, please donā€™t hesitate to contact the expert staff at the Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry today! With state-of-the-art technology, such as digital x-rays and impressions, in addition to relaxing, spa-like amenities, and years of experience, Dr. Broome can give you the smile youā€™ve always wanted! Next, readĀ about night-guards and daytime appliances.